This was an ABCA Project Team Meeting in October 2007

Melbourne, Australia (here is the National Anthum-click pause when required)

To get to Australia, I had to stop in Hawawii for at least 24 hours. As you can see, it was difficult!


This is a photo from my hotel room.

This next few photos were taken at Pearl Harbor (click on Pearl Harbor to see the web site on the memorial).

Melbourne, Australia and if you noticed, it is the 6th of October. I missed my birthday with the time change on the airplane!!

Sharon and Kathryn had planned a reception for me at the hotel and had a bottel of wine with some chocklets waiting for me.

This is a funny story and is typical for "down south".  Terry Honour and I wanted to go up the sight-seeing tower but we were too early. We saaw a Starbuck's and , though Terry does not drink coffee, he said he would go for a tea.  It waas 8 o'clock am, the stores indicates it opens at 8 am, but the doors were still locked. When the guy showed up to open the store, I asked him if the sign was wrong.  His response, it is right, we open at 8"ish". After a little laugh, we waited until he started to brew and had a coffee.

This is where they have a beautiful rememberance day monument - the Shrine of Remembrance.

This is where our ABCA group met and went for a supper meal.

The Healesville Sanctuary in Australia

Well, you can imagine that after going to a Zoo, we were all in the mood for a salade. Well, we ended up all having the meal, third from the bottom.

This was the winery that served that great dish

Yes, I took a boat tour! Greatest way to see what I do not see when I am walking. I try and do this in all the locations that I go to.

There is a great story to this bridge. I remember the fact that it was a great story....the rest is up to you! Here is a hint- Bolte Bridge

This is the main train station. To go back to the hotel (from center of town perspective) we go to the left of the train station and over a bridge and then we walk for 30 or so mins.

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